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Who is the “Best Bald Chick on haircut.net? Cast your vote today.
Voting is easy- Vote for your TOP 5 MODELS on HAIRCUT.NET
Just click the link below to vote for your top five candidates.
The HARD part is picking ONLY five! Just pick your top five, add their name and video # in the order you choose. It’s that simple!
Who are YOUR top 5 favorites?? You can choose anybody, but you can’t choose everybody!
Remember, vote for ANY model, not just the one’s here… although you can’t go wrong with these ladies!!
Nikki’s Headshave DVD 491 NOW SHOWING 24/7/365 – like all our videos, Nikki’s Headshave is presented with NO ADS OR COMMERCIALS of any kind.
Special thanks to Nikki for her beauty, her bravery and her willingness to shave her head for a King’s Ransom!!
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HALL OF FAME- Christine is surely among the greatest models of all time, and definitely belongs in our newly created HALL OF FAME!! If you would like to nominate a favorite model for the Hall of Fame, let us know by email at morris@edumak8.com
MISS AMERICA CANDIDATE TAKES IT ALL OFF!! It is our rare privilege to meet an All American girl named Christine. Christine is 21 years old, and a college freshman, not like most of her 18 year old classmates.
What sets her apart is NOT that she’s a “10” in every respect, nor that her long blonde hair is silky and shiny and gorgeous, nor the numerous beauty pageants she has participated in and won!! What makes her special is her dedication to serving our country!
Upon graduation from high school, Christine enlisted in the United States Army, and served for three years. Despite a lot of hassles, Christine never once cut her hair while she was in the Army, which we think is pretty funny, considering that she has now decided to shave her head smoother than G.I. Jane.
In all her 21 years, Christine has never had a short haircut. She has always kept her natural blonde hair long and silky. She has decided to shave her head, and wants to do the job herself!! She bravely takes up the scissors and without hesitation, shnikks off her long blonde hair!! In the next hour, she goes from long and silky to smooth and sexy shaved!!
Without a doubt, this was one of the greatest haircuts we’ve ever filmed. The beauty, grace and elegance of Christine, along with her enthusiasm, made this an amazing and memorable event- getting to meet Christine was a true privilege!!
And yes, we are submitting Christine’s candidacy as Miss America!! She is a brave young woman who understands what it means to truly serve her country, and who proves that a woman who is beautiful with long hair is just as beautiful, if not moreso, without it!
We hope you enjoy this video as much as we enjoyed making it!!
Special thanks to Christine for her beauty, her bravery, and her service to our country.
Is Curly obsessed with Christine? Aren’t you?
DVD 260 Christine is NOW SHOWING ON DEMAND 24/7/365. Like all our videos, there are no ads or commercials of any kind!!
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We call Jennifer the “Mona Lisa” of haircut.net. Her beauty and long silky hair are amazing!! Her figure is second to none, and she is a funny girl who is brave enough to go “all the way” to a shaved head.
We are pleased and thrilled to announce that Jennifer’s headshave is NOW SHOWING. We’re calling Jennifer “The Mona Lisa of haircut.net”Jennifer is 21 years old, 5 feet 9 inches tall and weighs 120 lbs. She’s a nursing student specializing in respiratory therapy. She’s also GORGEOUS!!
Jennifer may be the most beautiful bald girl of all time. We shot a lot of before footage and included all the footage on the DVD. Sugar Pie gives Jennifer her haircut with ruthless enthusiasm. Sugar Pie looks great with her buzzcut (from DVD 250).
We also shot the haircut with 5 cameras, and ALL the haircutting from all the cameras is included.
We also did extensive “after” footage, and ALL of that footage is included.
All our videos are NOW SHOWING 24/7/365 with NO ADS OR COMMERCIALS OF ANY KIND.
The DVD begins with a 15 minute “ROCK VIDEO” which we think might be the best 15 minute haircutting video we’ve ever made.The extensive use of “side by side” shots which show the haircutting action from two viewpoints makes this a unique and groundbreaking video.
We give Jennifer a “Gone In 60 Seconds” haircut which we believe is the most dramatic haircut we’ve ever filmed.
Jennifer watched in the mirror as her hair was being cut. Her reactions included yelling obscenities and also rubbing her newly shaved head and exclaiming “I love it!!”
Jennifer is an amazing beauty who is gorgeous with her long hair, and even moreso as a BALD BEAUTY!!
Special thanks to Jennifer for her beauty, her bravery and her willingness to drive hundreds of miles for her haircut!!!
We hope you enjoy the SHMILLIONS OF NEW PICS all over the site. Stop back for daily updates!!
All our videos are NOW SHOWING 24/7/365 with NO ADS OR COMMERCIALS OF ANY KIND.
Allison is a sexy young coed who is ready to shave her head for a King’s Ransom. Allison’s Headshave DVD 261 is NOW SHOWING 24/7/365 with NO COMMERCIALS.
Allison and her boyfriend Mike (a long time supporter) drive all the way from Detroit, and Allison was simply amazing!!
Was this our finest hour? It’s hard to argue against it!!
Is Allison the BEST BALD CHICK EVER?? She’s certainly in the running!!
Special thanks to Allison for her beauty, bravery, amazing performance, and willingness to drive 400 miles for a haircut!!
Allison’s Headshave DVD 261, like ALL OUR VIDEOS, FEATURES NO ADS OR COMMERCIALS OF ANY KIND. We are open 24/7/365.
Make sure to catch ALL the different versions, and add them to your favorites list!!
We made all these NEW PICS, and hope you’ll enjoy them a lot!!
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Robin is best friends with Molly, who shaved her head on DVD 284. Molly told Robin she “had to” shave her head, and somehow Robin did just that!!
Sugar Pie fires up the clippers and runs them right down the middle like they’re stolen!!
Must see TV!!
Was this our finest hour? It’s hard to argue against it!!
Special thanks to Robin and Molly for joining us and becoming BALD BUDDIES!!
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So Y’all know Curly is obsessed with Megan the Professor. Here’s a few favorite pics from Megan’s Haircut.
Join us for this amazing video!!
Was this our finest hour?
Sugar Pie does a great job on Megan’s makeup, and we’re off to the races!!
Megan plays happily with the last piece of her hair. In moments, it’s all gone, and Megan rubs her newly shorn head with delight!! We hope you enjoy Megan’s haircut as much as we enjoyed filming it!!
Tiffany is a young college freshman who is trying to become a Playboy Playmate, and in the meantime, considers our offer of a KING’S RANSOM to shave her head. This set off a series of plans, buying plane tickets, arranging chauffer service from the airport (Steve the Barber- Special thanks for this always harrowing trip).
Before we cut Tiffany’s hair, we do the before footage, as she shows off her mountains of blode hair ready to be cut!!
Join us for this amazing haircut!! Was this our finest hour?
All our videos are NOW SHOWING 24/7/365 with NO ADS OR COMMERCIALS OF ANY KIND.
MORE VIDEO PRODUCERS WANTED- In order to promote more video productions, we are purchasing videos for the subscription site, paid in cash. Video producers can quickly recover their modeling fees and the community can enjoy the new videos. Call or text Curly at 847-986-9343
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Welcome to the dog days of summer, boys and girls. If you haven’t clipped off all your hair by now, it’s only a matter of time till you succumb to the urge!! Our young coed model has just chopped off her long red hair and is ready to enjoy her new haircut in the heat of the summer.
We know it’s teasing, but we challenge you to FIND THIS MODEL on the pages of the sub site, and then hug your air conditioner and watch every second of her haircut video.
Check back tomorrow on her page- we’re working on new pics and hope to have them up tomorrow.
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