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Our Models

Posts about models, their stories, and video details


400 – Grace

Grace is a beautiful young model with EXTREMELY LONG HAIR!!

Normally, she wouldn’t consider cutting off her beautiful long hair, but here in Chicago, we’re in the middle of a heatwave, and she calls demanding a king’s ransom in exchange for shaving her head, and we gladly agree!! We set the date for a few days hence, and Grace arrives right on time, and ready to go “all the way!!”

Was this our finest hour? Hard to argue against it!!

Join us for every bit of Grace’s haircut, as she goes “all the way” from extremely long to extremely short!!

Special thanks to Grace for her GRACE, her BEAUTY and her GREAT FRIENDLINESS as she is transformed to BALD BEAUTY!! BRAVO GRACE!! AND YES, DARLING, YOU EARNED THE KING’S RANSOM!!

MORE VIDEO PRODUCERS WANTED- In order to promote more video productions, we are purchasing videos for the subscription site, paid in cash. Video producers can quickly recover their modeling fees and the community can enjoy the new videos. Call or text Curly at 847-986-9343

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Cheyenne is a beautiful young Australian girl who is ready to go “all the way” to shaved. Join our Australian barber Pierre as he takes Cheyenne to a nice short bob, followed by a “Gone in 60 Seconds” clipper shave!! Join us for all the excitement “down under.”


Sugar Pie is the “QUEEN” of this website. She has appeared as the “RUTHLESS BARBERRETTE” countless times, and just when we thought she would never shave her head, she did it!!

We waited for 30 years to see Sugar Pie shave her head, and when it happenned, many of us could hardly believe our eyes as she was shorn and shaved LIVE over the internet.

Special thanks to all our fans and supporters for your continued support!! Special thanks as well to Sugar Pie for her beauty, her bravery and the shmillion things she does on behalf of the Hair Enthusiast community!!

Best Bald Chick ever?? 

Our finest hour?


As Ralph Camden would say, “Baby, you’re the greatest!!”


Zayna is 25 years old and wants to shave her head. Zayna has NEVER HAD SHORT HAIR, and today she’s going ALL THE WAY TO SHAVED SMOOTH!

The clippers come to life, and Zayna says, “This is really happening!!”

The clippers run right down the middle, and in minutes, all of Zayna’s hair is shorn!! Zayna loves her new haircut, and so do we!!

Zayna’s Haircut Video is a MUST SEE on a sub site full of MUST SEE videos.

We hope you enjoy Zayna’s Haircut Video as much as we enjoyed making it!!

All our videos are NOW SHOWING 24/7/365 with NO ADS OR COMMERCIALS OF ANY KIND.

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A star is born!! Myra is 22 years old, and ready for a haircut!! Myra’s beauty is tops- her eyes are perfect “Disney” eyes. She is a “BARBIZON MODEL,” with silky Pantene hair, a beautiful smile and great figure. She drives 500 miles for a haircut in our studio, and is transformed to BALD BEAUTY!!

All our videos are NOW SHOWING 24/7/365 with NO ADS OR COMMERCIALS OF ANY KIND.

Myra has been wanting to shave her head for years. When she found our ad, she called and made an appointment for the very next day. After a sleepless night, Myra drives for three hours to Chicago, each mile bringing her closer to her haircut destiny!!

Myra is nervous and excited as the haircut is about to begin. She smiles as the first long piece is cut, knowing there is no turning back. Myra relaxes as her hair is shorn, and in a matter of minutes, she looks in the mirror and says “I’M BALD!!”

Was this our finest hour?


MYRA’S HEADSHAVE NOW SHOWING- including music videos and complete “Cutting Room Floor” videos with native sound. There are lots of versions of Myra’s Headshave Video, and we hope you enjoy them as much as we enjoyed making them!!

Is Curly obsessed with Myra? Aren’t you?


NEWFOUND videos- We found two lost videos of Myra’s Headshave, and they are NOW SHOWING on Season 5. We are shooting NEW RELEASES, and will be posting them on Season 5 and NEW ARRIVALS. Videos NOW SHOWING on Season 5 includes NEW FOUND VIDEOS and many videos recently updated.

XPERIMENTAL VIDEO- They say you can’t teach an old dog new tricks, but the genius boys around here keep showing me new tricks!! In this video, we combined ALL OUR CAMERAS SYNCHRONIZED- PLUS 3 slideshows- all at the same time!! If you’re a MYRA-MANIAC, you’re going to love it!!

Special thanks to Myra for her beauty, her bravery and her willingness to drive many hours to our studio for her haircut!! BRAVO MYRA!!


We are pleased and thrilled to announce that “SEASON 5” is now open. Rather than leave this giant room empty, we are posting the videos we’re currently working on. And yes, starting with DVD 500, we will be posting all the NEW RELEASES on Season 5.

Natalia was looking to change up her appearance in a big way, so when she found out she could earn money by shaving her head, she was all in. She applied and sent loads of pictures as if to declare “I’M NEXT!” We booked her soon after and the rest is history. When someone is determined to shave their head, there’s little you can do to keep them from the razors! Quinn is yet another example of a woman upgrading by shaving her head SMOOTH! 

We would like to thank Natalia for her bravery and determination, and hope you enjoy her video!

Special thanks to Natalia for her beauty, her bravery and her willingness to go “all the way” to a shaved head!!


We are pleased to announce that DVD 500, featuring our latest model, Carla, is NOW SHOWING on the sub site with no ads or commercials- like all our videos!! Join us for all the excitement as Carla goes “all the way” to shaved smooth!!

Carla is the star of our latest video. Ordinarily she’s a bartender, popular amongst the regulars who love being served drinks by a beautiful woman. Today, however, she’s a beautiful hair model. She said she wanted extra spending money with Christmas on its way, but considering she reached out and insisted on having her head shaved less than 24 hours later, we have a feeling she had been wanting this haircut for a while. She even suggested wearing a bikini to show off how beautiful and feminine a bald woman can be. We weren’t going to argue with her!

When the day arrived, it was clear why Carla has so many regulars. Every outfit she wore was sexier than the last, and of course the cherry on top was seeing her being shaved in her swimsuit. Once the barberette had finished making Carla a beautiful bald chick, Carla tried her hand at a self shave, making her head even SMOOTHER!

She modeled her new look in all her sexy outfits, confident as ever in her beauty… and for good reason. She’s an absolute stunner with a completely bald head! We can only imagine the tips she will receive as a beautiful, bald, bartender! She’ll have PLENTY of extra spending money to make all her loved ones happy this Christmas! We’re sure there will be a lot of new regulars at her bar as well. We certainly would be!

We want to thank Carla for her beauty, bravery and willingness to shave her head SMOOTH and BALD!!! An early Christmas gift for hair enthusiasts everywhere!!


Paulina is a hot young 21 year old Brazilian college student whose boyfriend in “one of us.” Jose has been trying to talk Paulina into shaving her head since they started dating over a year ago. Paulina has finally relented to all of Jose’s begging and consented to go “all the way.” DVD 495 NOW SHOWING 24/7/365 – like all our videos, with NO ADS OR COMMERCIALS of any kind. 

Jose ties up her hair in a big ponytail, and gets to work. When Jose runs the clippers right down the middle, Paulina makes a lot of “scrunchy faces,” and is totally shorn in a very few minutes.

Special thanks to Paulina and Jose for sharing their headshaving adventure!!

All our videos are NOW SHOWING 24/7/365 with NO ADS OR COMMERCIALS OF ANY KIND.


Tiara is an amazing model who is about to shave her head. She’s 19 years old, and ready to go “all the way” to shaved smooth smooth. Tiara is nervous as the haircut begins, but quite relaxed by the time the haircut is through, smiling a lot and watching herself in the mirror. Tiara has never had a short haircut before, and she is surprised at how much she likes her new haircut! As the clippers cut the last of her hair off, she runs her hands through her 1 millimeter long hair, smiling with delight!! Tiara is HAPPY HAPPY HAPPY with her new haircut, and so are we!!!

Join us for all the excitement on DVD 481

Was this our finest hour?

All our videos are NOW SHOWING 24/7/365 with NO ADS OR COMMERCIALS OF ANY KIND.

481 – Tiara

MORE VIDEO PRODUCERS WANTED- In order to promote more video productions, we are purchasing videos for the subscription site, paid in cash. Video producers can quickly recover their modeling fees and the community can enjoy the new videos. Call or text Curly at 847-986-9343

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Luna is a young nurse who is ready to get a “low maintenance” haircut- a shaved head!! When the “before” footage is completed, Luna is ready to go “all the way” to shaved!!

Once it was time, Luna took her seat and our lovely, long haired barberette began to shave Luna’s head straight down the middle! Luna took it like a complete champ, acting as if she does this everyday. It was obvious Luna was ready to try something new; a SMOOTH, BALD HEAD!!!

Luna took it one step further and did some of the shaving herself! We hope she’ll continue to do so, because she looks amazing without the hair! We want to thank Luna again for shaking things up with us and for her bravery to go all the way bald!

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