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Our Models

Posts about models, their stories, and video details


Our new model Monica, a young woman with long hair, is seen in a studio getting her hair cut. As the stylist begins to cut her hair, Monica expresses her excitement about the upcoming change. The stylist begins to cut off large sections of hair, causing Monica to smile. As more hair is cut, Monica begins to laugh, feeling enthusiastic about the significant change to her appearance.

Monica is a beautiful girl in her early 20’s who has incredibly long and silky hair. Models with hair as long and as beautiful as her don’t shave it all off easily… and Monica was no exception. Her application came up and we didn’t book the haircut right away and she was GONE!

As time goes by, we move onto another long to bald makeover and forget about the disappointments of the past. Until…

Out of the blue, we get a message that Monica has once again made herself and her hair available to us. This time, there was no hesitation. We pounced and the very next day we were shaving off some of the longest hair you’ll see in any production. 

Monica loves her new haircut, and so do we!! She can enjoy her cool new cut for the summer!!

Bravo to Brave Monica!!

Watch 487-MONICA on Haircut.net

Our new model Monica, a young woman with long hair, is seen in a studio getting her hair cut. As the stylist begins to cut her hair, Monica expresses her excitement about the upcoming change. The stylist begins to cut off large sections of hair, causing Monica to smile. As more hair is cut, Monica begins to laugh, feeling enthusiastic about the significant change to her appearance.

Throughout the video, the stylist takes great care to create a new, shorter hairstyle for Monica, carefully cutting and shaving her hair. As the final touches are made, Monica is shown the finished result and is visibly relieved and happy with her new look. She thanks the stylist and admires her reflection in the mirror, feeling confident and excited about her transformed appearance.

The video captures the emotional journey that many people experience when making a significant change to their appearance, and shows the importance of finding a skilled and caring stylist who can help guide the process. Overall, the video offers a poignant and inspiring story about embracing change and finding beauty in unexpected places.

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Hailey and Talia are beautiful blonde coeds who shocked everyone at HAIRCUT.NET when they shaved each others heads- TIT FOR TAT!!

In our recent election, Hailey came out near the top of all the beautiful models on HAIRCUT.NET!!

This is TALIA. Of all the people on this page, she is the only one who had no intention of shaving her head today. She was planning to go with HAYLEY as moral support for Hayley’s headshave.

IN THE BEGINNING: It all started with Maureen- about two and a half years before Talia and Hayley’s headshaves. More about her later….

At a nearby university, Talia and Hayley were just a few of the college girls who were amazed when Maureen shaved her head. All the girls quietly looked at each other, wondering what they would look like with a shaved head.

OK, back to last week.

Hayley called me responding to our ad, and scheduled her headshave. She called back later asking if her friend Talia could come along for moral support.

“Of course,” we said, and later that day, Hayley and Talia joined us for Hayley’s Headshave. Little did we realize that Talia would jump in and SHAVE HER HEAD as well as doing the honors of shaving Hayley’s head, nominated for Ruthlessly Enthusiastic Haircut of the Year!!

Holy Shnykees!! And the rest is history. Maureen’s bravery inspired both Hayley and Talia to join the PHI KAPPA BALDA Sorority.

Is Talia the Best Bald Chick ever?

Is Hayley the Best Bald Chick Ever? I would vote for her, and I think a lot of other people would too!! She decided to shave her head, and also inspired Talia to shave her head as well.

Is Maureen the Best Bald Chick ever? Aside from her bravery and beauty, she exposed so many young coeds to bald beauty and made some of them think seriously about doing it. So much so that Hayley and Talia did it.

Can one woman change the whole world?

We love these beautiful girls with their long hair, for sure!!

But many of us love these beautiful girls with their shaved heads, believing they are just as beautiful without hair, if not moreso.

Bravo to brave Maureen, for starting it off; to Hayley for making the appointment; to Talia for her “Surprise Headshave” and to all our fans who support our efforts and make these amazing haircuts happen. We say BRAVO to all the Brave Bald Beauties of HAIRCUT.NET.

The polls are still open, under the “NEWS” button.


Note from Curly- Here are just a few of the new pics of Mariel NOW SHOWING in the Video Section. We are putting up shmillions of hi-res pics all over the place, so make sure to visit your favorites- and check back for updates.

Mariel is one HOT TAMALE from South of the border. She is 20 years old, and ready to go “all the way” to a shaved head!!

Mariel has a stunning figure, gorgeous hair and infectious energy!

From the word go, she looked like she was having the time of her life. Can you blame her?

It has to be super fun and exciting modeling for Haircut.Net!

Mariel knows fashion and plans to use her earnings to open her very own nail salon. We think that should be the hook: A nail salon with an all bald staff!

If Mariel wasn’t amazing enough, she even had her eyebrows shaved towards the end of the shoot… sure to satisfy our brow-less enthusiasts!

This video is not to be missed. We hope you all enjoy Mariel’s makeover as much as she did!

Mariel’s Headshave Video, like all our videos, are presented with no ads or commercials of any kind. Watch all you want 24/7/365 ON DEMAND!!

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Join in the excitement as beautiful young model Diana goes “all the way” to shaved smooth!!

Special thanks to “HOLLYWOOD” Ralph Cramden and his co-conspirator “MAVERICK” for coordinating the shoot, and doing such a great job!!

MORE VIDEO PRODUCERS WANTED- In order to promote more video productions, we are purchasing videos for the subscription site, paid in cash. Video producers can quickly recover their modeling fees and the community can enjoy the new videos. Call or text Curly at 847-986-9343


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Maureen is a 19 year old Freshman at a nearby university in Visconsin. Toward the end of her freshman year, she decided to shave her head, and shocked the college community with her bald beauty.

Maureen was very excited when we asked if she would like to give Gracie her haircut. Maureen ran the clippers like they were stolen, leaving Gracie “Bald in 60 Seconds.”

It’s a very special event when two girls go “all the way” to bald beauty. We hope you’ll enjoy Maureen and Gracie’s haircuts as much as we enjoyed filming them!!


“RIGHT DOWN THE MIDDLE?” Maureen asks as she prepares to give Gracie her haircut with RUTHLESS ENTHUSIASM!!

MORE VIDEO PRODUCERS WANTED- In order to promote more video productions, we are purchasing videos for the subscription site, paid in cash. Video producers can quickly recover their modeling fees and the community can enjoy the new videos. Call or text Curly at 847-986-9343

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